5 ways to use an App to keep students engaged

22. Jun 2023

In this day and age, it’s essential for educational facilities to embrace technology. Not only does this help you stay connected with students, but it also provides a way for you to better manage your facility’s resources. That’s where mobile apps come in!

Apps have quickly become a popular way to connect with students. They allow you to share information with everyone at once on their phones. Did you know, the average person in the UK uses their phone for four hours and 14 minutes per day? Why miss out on that opportunity!

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1. Use app push messages to communicate

When it comes to communicating with students, push notifications are a great way to get the word out. You can use them to announce events, classes and workshops; send out offers and discounts; or simply share information about your University.

  • In-app notifications have an open rate that’s three times higher than push notifications
  • They also increase app retention rates by up to 10x.

2. Use the app for facility access

There are several ways to use an app to keep students engaged, but one of the most effective is by using it for facility access. Why not get students or members to use the app to check in and out of facilities, activities, and events that they have signed up for.

This also helps with fraud prevention and security.

3. Use content marketing to share offers and events

You could also use your app to promote events, offers and other things that will be of interest to your students. Why not use in-App marketing to give out discount codes (e.g. for the sports shop), or invite them to events – from fitness clubs to monthly health and wellness seminars.

4. Offer app only content

Another way to use an app is to offer content that is not available anywhere else. This specifically drives traffic and usage.

Content can be anything from short how to videos to support your students in the gym, teaching them how to use each piece of equipment to cooking tutorials and nutritional advice. Students will be more likely to keep coming back if there are things stored in your app, that they can’t get anywhere else!

5. Use your app for bookings

Whether it’s a yoga class or a football pitch, you can use your app to make reservations for any type of activity that requires registration. If you’re using an online booking system, consider adding some additional functionality so students can see if there are still spots available before they sign up (and also so they can cancel without hassle).

We hope you now have some ideas on how you can use an app to engage students and make them feel more connected with your facility. If done right, your app can be an amazing tool that brings value to both students and staff alike!

We can support you with all the items covered in this blog. Find out more about our branded member App.

We can help with all items covered in this blog. Find out more about our Branded Member App.

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