7 reasons you need a digital fitness offering
If you don’t already offer an at home digital fitness option to your members, you should. The world of fitness is always changing, with more and more people opting for a combination of at home workouts and in-club training.
We’ve put together 7 reasons why it is so important:
1. Create flexibility for members
Members can get frustrated if they can’t come to classes at a time that suits them. They may have other commitments, such as school runs or late afternoon shifts. In addition, there may be occasions where they are’t able to make it into the gym due to travel issues or other commitments.
In those cases, it’s ideal if they can stream their favourite classes from anywhere at any time, on their phone, laptop, desktop or TV screen.
2. Increase member motivation
One of the main reasons people choose to workout online is because they can do their own thing at their own pace. Many people who don’t want to, or can’t always make it to the gym will use your app instead. It also gives them the opportunity to try new classes without feeling embarrassed about doing something different in front of new people.
3. Create a more premium membership
It gives members a reason to feel more important and increases the perceived value of their membership, which in turn gives them a reason to stay longer and utilise their membership more.
With a digital fitness offering you can give additional benefits that go beyond just giving your members access to the latest technology, you can also offer third party content from the world renowned trainers from the likes of Wexer or Les Mills.
4. Attract new customers, creating a new revenue stream
You need a digital fitness offering to attract new customers. There’s a lot of people who will want a ‘digital only’ membership, and without this offering, you’re going to miss out on their custom.
Providing digital memberships also gives people the chance to try out your classes without commitment. Offering free trials will increase sales once customers know what they’re missing out on!
5. Marketing for your trainers and in-club classes
Promoting online classes is also a great way to promote your trainers. Members may get used to, or enjoy a certain trainer’s style, or a particular class, and want to train further with them in your centre.
6. Increase customer retention
Customers will be more likely to renew and keep their membership when it is more valuable to them. Having more to offer and adapting to your clients’ lifestyle, will help retain your clients longer.
7. Increase App usage
A digital fitness offering will drive increased app usage and retention by keeping your members engaged with their workout routines and improving member experience. It also gives you an opportunity to collect feedback from your members on how you can improve their experience further in future updates.
Higher app usage will improve your overall communication with members, through the app, and strengthen their customer loyalty which will lead to higher revenues over time.
These are just a few reasons why you should invest in a digital fitness offering. Not only will it increase your customer base, but it will also keep members engaged with your brand and coming back for more!
Innovatise ist Pionier im Bereich mobiles Marketing und Erschaffer von myFitApp, einer offenen, flexiblen, unabhängigen und digitalen Marketing-Plattform für die Fitness-Branche. Fitnessstudios und -ketten nutzen myFitApp, um ihre Marke zu stärken, Mitglieder zu binden, neue zu gewinnen und den Umsatz mit der einzigartigen Kraft des Smartphones zu steigern.

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