Product update: February 24

26. Feb 2024

Discover the new releases for myFitApp. Below are updates to the product from February 2024.

1. Monthly Active User data 

Monthly Active User (MAU) data is now available in the cockpit!

Within the reports section of the cockpit we have added your MAU. You are able to quickly access the number of users for the previous month along with 24 months worth of data. If that’s not enough, we’ve also added a live count of users for the current month, therefore you can understand at any point during the month how your app is performing.

To view this data, log in to your cockpit, select “Reports” from the left hand menu, then select the “Monthly Active Users” tab.

The previous and current month counts will be displayed. Below you will find a graph which defaults to last 12 months however this can be adjusted using the date range dropdown menu. If you hover over each of the bars you will see the number of users – this historical data can also be exported!

Monthly active user dashboard

2. iOS minimum version uplift

We have uplifted the minimum supported version of iOS from version 12 to version 15.

We review the minimum version on a regular basis, with the last change to this made around 18 months ago.

The main benefit to us implementing the uplift is that it opens up the use of the latest code libraries for our development platform, this gives us advantages such as:

  • Allowing the app to use the latest features in the operating system
  • Allowing more efficient code functions, meaning development is quicker with less bugs and the ability to fix more efficiently if there are issues
  • Allowing the use of the latest security fixes and practises, thus protecting yourselves and your customers as best we possibly can.

There will be no immediate degrade in functionality, however users who cannot update their device to version 15 will not be able to apply any future app updates that we push out. Therefore in time, this will result in those users not being able to utilise our latest new features.

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